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RTC4Water helps customers of any size better utilize their existing wastewater and water distribution infrastructure by developing and implementing artificial intelligence-based network management software tools. We also offer consulting and modelling services to water and wastewater management professionals. Our team has many years’ experience working with small to medium-sized organizations who struggle to do more with a limited budget. Our solutions provide our clients with the following benefits:


  • Intelligent, Autonomous Software: our Global Predictive Controller™ (or GPC) software allows engineers and staff to focus less on day-to-day issues and more on critical tasks


  • Better Management Control: whether its routine maintenance or a production emergency, changes to your infrastructure are automatically identified and managed. The goal of our tool is to ensure optimum performance no matter how your network changes


  • Reduce Costs: Pumping costs money. Cleaning and maintenance cost money. Unplanned purchases from your water supplier costs money. A more efficient use of your infrastructure leads to reduced operational costs and wear and tear on equipment. Please see our Customers section for examples from past projects


  • Improved Decision Making: the better you know your network, the better your planning and decision making exercises. Reduce stress and improve efficiency without adding more complex hardware to maintain or monitor 


Our services can be broken down into three areas of expertise:

Water Distribution Network Analysis and Optimization

Sewer System Optimization

Research and Development