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In einem kleinen Land wie Luxemburg arbeiten Sie mit begrenzten Ressourcen und müssen Probleme auf eine andere Weise betrachten.


RTC4Water wurde im Jahr 2014 von drei Forschern gegründet, die sich der Verbesserung der Umwelt widmen, indem sie sich darauf konzentrieren, die Trinkwasserverteilung und die Abwassermanagementsysteme effizienter zu machen. Heute arbeitet RTC4Water mit internationalen Kunden und Forschungsteams zusammen, um sich mit Netzwerk- und Ressourcenineffizienzen in Abwasser- und Trinkwasserverteilungsanlagen zu befassen. Unsere Mitarbeiter sind bestrebt, Einzelpersonen und Unternehmen dabei zu helfen, Wasserressourcen effektiver zu nutzen und wir sind immer auf der Suche nach neuen Ideen und nach Leuten, die unsere Leidenschaft zum Schutz dieser wichtigen natürlichen Ressourcen teilen.

Sie interessieren sich für unsere Dienstleistungen und dem dazugehörigen Hintergrund? Bitte klicken Sie hier, um uns zu kontaktieren.

Dr. Georges Schutz

Founder - Product Development

Dr. Schutz has spent the last decade dedicated to solving problems in urban water management - specifically the modeling and model based control of dynamic systems. He has a Doctorate in Informatics and has been heavily involved in predictive control research topics. Prior to founding RTC4Water, Dr. Schutz was a lead researcher at the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST).

Dr. Alex Cornelissen

Founder - Operations & Product Development

Dr. Cornelissen has experience in both the academic and industrial worlds. He received his Doctorate in Analytical and Environmental Chemistry and prior to running the Ecotechnology research program at LIST, he gained valuable pipe and sewer engineering experience working for different environmental companies - specifically pipe relining and sewer maintenance. RTC4Water is not Dr. Cornelissen's first startup company as he was also the founder of an environmental technology consulting firm.

David Fiorelli

Founder - Control Engineer and R&D at LIST

David is one of our founders but has not given up his love of pure research. He has a Masters in Automatics and Signal Processing from INPL and is passionate about the fields of signal processing, systems control and fuzzy logic systems. David's research and development work insures that RTC4Water will provide some of the most advanced techniques in automation to our clients.

Michael Bremec

Software Engineer - all things IT

Michael is our lead Python developer and helps us take our products and tools to a new level. He has a computer science degree from EPITECH and is very active in both organizing software development Meetups and alumni outreach events. Prior to working at RTC4Water, Michael worked as a IT research engineer at LIST.

Christophe Garsi

IT development, Wastewater solutions

Rodrigo Gesser

PhD-Student on LinkWater Project

Admira Osmanovic

Administrative and Accounting

Experienced in Software & Modelling?

Contact us to learn more!